Submit Your Community Announcements:
Are you part of a not-for-profit community group, club, or organisation? Do you have an event, cause, or service you’d like to share with your community? We invite you to post it on our Community Announcements page!
Community announcements are those that promote charitable causes or activities or provide a meaningful service to the community.
Who Can Apply?
We welcome submissions from:
- Australian charities
- Community organisations
- Other relevant entities operating as not-for-profit organisations
Please note: Eligible applicants must not be paying clients.
What Cannot Be Included?
We cannot accept announcements that:
- Address political matters
- Promote social, religious, or other topics that may be considered controversial or divisive
- Advertise or promote commercial entities or individuals
On – Air Announcements:
In order to have your announcement read over air:
- Please provide at least 14 days notice for your announcement to be processed and published (We strongly recommend submitting your request earlier to ensure the best chance of inclusion)
- The 14-day notice period applies only if all required information has been provided.
How to Submit
Click the button below to provide your announcement details. We will review your submission to ensure it meets our guidelines.